France’s solar potential.

France’s solar potential.

The climate emergency continues to grow since the Paris Agreement, which sets the average temperature rise below 2°C.

In 2022, solar energy production in France contributed 18.6 TWh, or around 4.1% of France’s total electricity needs in 2022.

Lower solar panel costs, rising electricity prices, subsidies – it’s never been more attractive to install solar panels.

But what role will solar energy play in France’s future energy mix? What technologies will we use? Which technologies will be the most popular?

With solar potential on surfaces that have already been built on, France’s potential production could reach 200TW/year, including 125TW for roofs and parking systems.

One solution being considered is the installation of solar panels
on private homes. Although this option offers numerous financial
financial and environmental benefits, such as increased property value
savings on energy bills and additional income thanks to feed-in tariffs. It remains under-utilized due to a certain reluctance on the part of homeowners.
However, with the recent rise in electricity prices,
the installation of solar panels is becoming increasingly attractive
for private individuals.

Finally, large-scale projects are planned to further develop solar energy in France, notably through the installation of photovoltaic shading systems on parking lots and the expansion of agrivoltaics. These initiatives aim to fully exploit the country’s solar potential and accelerate its transition to renewable energies.

Find out all about French solar production, its potential and future challenges here.

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