The Hauts-de-France region accelerates photovoltaic development

The Hauts-de-France region is focusing on individual and collective self-consumption, with a target of 878 MW of photovoltaic capacity by 2026.

The Hauts-de-France region finances the development of photovoltaics.

The regional council is not dwelling on prejudices about the weather in Hauts-de-France. For over 10 years now, the regional council has been pursuing a proactive policy to develop photovoltaic energy in the region.

Individual and collective self-consumption is at the heart of the Hauts-de-France region’s strategy. The aim is to reach an installed capacity of 878MW by 2026, compared with 370MW by the end of 2022.

The region’s renewable energy mix accounts for 8% of regional consumption, compared with 15% nationally. To catch up, the region is aiming to double the amount of renewable energy, excluding wind power, by the end of 2026.

The region has therefore set its sights on this goal in its Schéma régional d’Aménagement durable et d’Egalité des Territoires (SRADDET) project. The project estimates that production should reach 1,778 GWh by 2031.

The aim is not only to decarbonize the region, but also to transform its economy and employment, with the creation of over 4,000 non-relocatable jobs as a result of the photovoltaic boom.

Learn more here.

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